Saturday, May 9, 2009

American Jewish Organizations; the American Inquisition.

The power, influence, intimidations, threats, and black mail exercised and practice by a number of American Jewish organizations in the United States goes beyond McCarthyism and the witch hunt of Communists and Americans whose loyalty was suspect. It goes beyond any thing we have seen in the lawless George Bush administration and the Department of Home Land Security under Michael Chertoff. It goes beyond the Spanish Inquisition, it goes beyond any thing in Nazi Germany, goes beyond anything in Communist Russia, and it even goes beyond anything we have seen in Israel. The work of these American Jewish organizations, their approach to the Arab-Israeli conflict, their approach to Zionism, their heavy handed tactics and exercise of power in America is nothing short of an “American Inquisition”.

In old Spain, tribunals were set up starting in 1478 by Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabel I of Castile to ensure the orthodoxy of converts Jews Conversos and Moors Moriscos The Iberian Peninsula under the Moors had multi-ethnic society made up of Catholics, Jews and Moors “Muslims” living in harmony, often, referred to as the golden age for Jews.

The Re-conquest of Spain brought with it some very violent events, promoted by the likes Olonso de Hojed of Seville, a Dominican who convinced Queen Isabel of the presence of Crypto Judaism among Andalusian Conversos. Similar to the genocide Rwanda, members of the Catholic clergy the likes of Ferranti Montinary, the Archdeacon of Ecija played a major role in enticing the locals to take matters in their hands culminating in the Pogroms of 1391 in Seville where hundreds of Jews where killed and the city synagogue was destroyed, with the violence spreading to Cordoba, Valencia and Barcelona. Not only Marranos, Jews who converted, but Moriscos, Muslims who converted to Catholicism were also targeted with some experts putting the number of executions at 2,000 between the year 1480 and 1530.

In Nazi Germany, it was the GESTAPO, the political police force of the Reich- Geheime Staatspolizeeje and the German Schuzstaffel known as the SS, that inflicted heavy damage and lead to the prosecutions of Germans and German Jews subjecting them to severe treatment, restrictions, seizure, destructions of properties (sound familiar under the Jewish Occupation) and in the case of Jews and millions of others, leading to concentration camps. This is the political police force with a mandate to keep the people and the message pure.

In Soviet Russia, Vladimir Lenin instituted the CHEKA (All Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter Revolution and Sabotage) the predecessor of the KGP responsible for the banishing of millions of Russian to labor camps and the executions of hundreds of thousands.

In the United States were are not there yet thanks to the defeat of the Zionist NeoCons and their agenda, but if it was up to certain American Jewish organizations and leadership, Muslims and Arabs in the US will be subject to similar practices as that of Old Spain, Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany.

The Comatose Jewish war criminal Ariel Sharon is quoted and bragging about the power and exercise of power of the American Jewish community “ Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio”.

This power mentioned by Ariel Sharon is exercised by and through multiple of American Jewish organizations, the likes of AIPAC, ADL, Campus Watch, CAMERA, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Middle East Forum, Middle East Research Institute, American Enterprise Institute, NGO Monitor; Promoting Critical Debate and Accountability of Human Rights NGO in the Arab- Israeli Conflict, The US Commission on International Religious Freedom, Institution for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education, Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace, Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information, the American Jewish Committee, the American Jewish Congress, Islamist Watch, StandWithUs, Aish HaTorah, Jewish National Fund, Zionist Organization of America, Hillel Foundation ,Shusterman Foundation, Jewish Council for Public Affairs, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organization, Steve Emerson’s The Investigative Project, who made a living out of spying on mosques, Muslim and Arab groups ( of course mosques and Arab and Muslim gatherings are open to the public, synagogues and gathering of Jewish Zionists groups are not) even President Obama earned his own Jewish monitoring tax exempt organization “Obama Mideast Monitor Homepage”. Each of these American Jewish organizations having its own mission and targeted groups and organizations in the United States to serve the Israel and the Zionist agenda in the US and the world.

AIPAC being the well known and powerful plays a major and powerful role in the US Congress it is able to draft pro-Israeli legislation at will with Congress passing such legislation as delivered to Congress by AIPAC. It is most interesting that Congress passed legislation limiting debates in college campus denying colleges and universities funding when and if these school allow the “other” side of the Arab-Israeli conflict the floor. The “International Studies in Higher Education Act” called for the establishment of a seven member advisory board that would have the power to recommend cutting federal funding fro colleges and universities, which have offered a venue for academic ad public debate on the Arab-Israel conflict, meaning any debate that does not fit with Israel’s agenda.

In addition AIPAC through its agents in US Congress initiate public hearing, initiate and pass legislations securing hundreds of billions of dollars of tax payers money to fund Israel, its killing war machine, its settlements, Jewish settlers and thieves, helping and playing key role in American Jewish organizations abilities to securing tax-empted status for money raised to fund thugs, thieves and terrorists whose only job in life is to steal Arab properties, destroy Arab homes and most often murder local Arabs, with hundreds of millions of these tax exempted funds enabling Jewish settlers to commit series of fraudulent (criminal theft) purchases of Arab properties and take over Palestinian Arab properties by force.

There are equally powerful organizations perhaps playing even more sinister roles undermining American democracy, free speech and First Amendment rights than AIPAC and its control of Congress. Like AIPAC with thousands of agents and Zionists worriers on Capital Hill, Campus Watch has an army of tens of thousands of agents, spies, and informers in almost all US college campuses armed with cameras, videos and recorders targeting American, Arab-Americans, Muslim Americans teachers and professors and student organizations making sure that the there is simply one message on American campuses, and that is the Zionists and Israeli message, making sure, the class room is no place for debate, exchange of opinions, most often silencing those who dare to speak out against Israel and the Zionist agenda with denials of tenures, undermining their academic credibility and standing in their profession and often seeking the dismissals of professors and teachers. Scores of professors and teachers Jews and non –Jews were the subject of massive and relentless assault by this organization. Noam Chomsky, Tony Judt, Neve Gordon, Rachid Khaldi, Edward Said, Norman Finkelstein were among the many who had to face the wrath of this organization committed to taking no prisoners.

The leader of Campus Watch is other non than Daniel Pipes, George Bush’s choice to the board of directors of the United States Institute of Peace, a man well known for his anti-Arab and anti-Muslim views and who bills himself as “recognized expert on Islam”. I always wondered why is it that most if not all “experts” on Islam and Arabs happen to be Jews, not only Jews but Zionist Jews? It makes me wonder why there are no “other” experts qualified to speak out and appear on American television? This is the same man who sees there is nothing with the internment of the Japanese American, and who makes insulting and racial remarks of “brown” people with different smell, different food and different hygiene. Perhaps these “brown” people are entitled to know what does Daniel Pipes eats, what he smells like and what personal hygiene he keeps as a Zionist Jew? In comparison to these “Brown” people.

Speaking to the American Jewish Congress on 10/1/2001 he is quoted as saying” increased stature and affluence and enfranchisement of American Muslims… will present true dangers to American Jews”. This same man was quoted on another occasions” Western European societies are unprepared for the massive immigration of brown-skinned people cooking strange foods and maintaining different standards of hygiene All immigrants brings exotic customs and attitude, but Muslim customs are troublesome than most. National Review 11/19/90.

Daniel Pipes believes that President Barack Obama does not qualify for top security clearance and would fail security clearance, because to someone like Daniel Pipes qualifying for American security clearance is not loyalty to America but loyalty to Israel. Perhaps to Daniel Pipes President Obama does not qualify for American security clearance because he is “browns” not the color of Daniel Pipes or perhaps because President Obama pledged his allegiance to the United States and not Israel when he was sworn in as president., published in the Philadelphia Bulletin October 21, 2008
As if Campus Watch is not enough, there is CAMERA, The Committee for Accuracy in the Middle East Reporting in America, dedicated to monitoring the media and journalist, making sure they see, and write their stories from a Jewish/Israeli point view. Of course this organization wants to make sure that audiences and readers always get a “sanitized” version of the truth about Israel about Zionism about Palestinian forced exiles, about the Jewish Occupation, about the tens of thousands kidnapped Palestinians in Israeli jail, about the Israeli war crimes in Gaza and in Lebanon, about property theft and confiscation of Palestinian land and properties by Jewish settlers and Jewish thugs, about the subjugation of millions of Palestinians to daily humiliations at the more than 615 Jewish security check points, about the expulsion and forced transfer of Palestinians from Jerusalem, certainly about Apartheid Wall and house demolitions not to mention the “Jewish Roads” built on stolen Arab land for use only by “ Jews”. To the army of CAMERA informers and trackers, if the reports are critical of Israel and are not from an Israeli point of view then the report is attached as inaccurate, biased and both the reporter and the report come under vicious assaults sometimes succeeding in banishing the reporter and the report. They always have a monopoly on truth and accuracy.

CAMERA list of journalist is like “whose whom” in the press; media and television, with almost all major and well known journalists are under focus and under constant monitoring. Bill Moyers, Judy Woodruff, Scott Wilson, John Yang, David Shipler, Danny Rubinstein, Fredrrika Whitfield, Ben Wedeman, Mike Wallace, Milton Viorst, Fionnuala Sweeney, Lesley Stahl, Tony Snow, Harry Smith, Bob Simon, Tom Brokaw, Christiane Amanpour, Jonathan Kuttab, Rami Khori, Jim Hogland, Christopher Hitchens, Charlie Rose, Mazin Qumsiyeh, Mohamed Omer, Walter Roger and Helen Thomas among many, many others. Not a single report, not a single article, not a single editorial, not a single statement that has to do with Israel, Zionism, Jewish Settlers, Israeli Defense Forces, Israeli government, Jewish groups and organizations ever escape close scrutiny and monitoring by an army of CAMERA monitors. If East Germany STASI secret and intelligence organizations had some 400,000 agents and informers, for sure CAMPUS WATCH and CAMERA and other American Jewish organizations have numbers that far exceed STASI. Next time you attend a class in high school, or college or read an article, or watch a television report or a documentary, attend a church or a mosque, you should know, there is an army of agents and informers watching over what you read and what you see and what your hear, what you eat. There is always an American Jewish organization that makes sure your First Amendment rights are under check, control and monitor. It is clear that these organization forget one thing, this is the United States of America, where we the citizens, Black, Brown, White, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Atheists make up this great country and thanks to a document called the US Constitution that defines and protect our rights notwithstanding the power, influence and agenda of these American Jewish organizations. There is a deliberate policy and organized actions to keep the truth about Israel and Zionism from the American public and tax payers. If it was up to these American Jewish organizations Arabs and Muslims will be disfranchised from the American political process, will be sitting behind bars or in labor camps, perhaps banished from the US. They have succeeded in censoring and sanitizing the debate and truth about Israel as a criminal state, and they have succeeded in holding American foreign policy hostage to serve their own agenda. They are the real obstacle to peace in the Middle East.

Friday, April 17, 2009

We Will Not Forgive The Jews For Their Silence; for Turning Israel Into a Racist, Criminal State.

The Jewish War on Gaza and its resultant destruction of the Gaza Strip and the horrible killings of innocent women and children in cold blood and as reported in series of articles in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz and in statements made by UN officials were not surprising since Jewish soldiers are educated and trained to do that, simply kill. And so the total silence of the Jewish community around the world and especially the US Jewish community should not come as a shocking surprise but was and is expected and so their dancing in the streets of New York City as their army was leveling Gaza, destroying homes, schools, hospitals, clinics, and UN supply depot and so their successful push for a an overwhelming resolutions in both House and Senate supporting Israel’s crimes in the name of “self defense”.

Ehud Barak, the Jewish Defense Chief in charge of the War on Gaza had the Chutzpah to declare the Jewish Army as “the most moral army in the world” as he went about justifying the killing and mayhem in Gaza. Of course Ehud Barak is right. The war on Gaza and the War on Lebanon, the many wars on the Arabs, and the crimes committed by his Jewish army are part of a culture, religious and value system that makes killing and murder of Arabs, a moral thing. For sure neither Ehud Barak nor the Jewish communities around the world and especially in the US seems to have heard of the word of the late Chaim Weisman, the first Jewish president as he warned “ I am certain that the world will judge the Jewish State by what it will do with the Arabs”. Chaim Weisman had good reasons to worry about how these Jewish settlers of Palestine and how they treat the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine, the Palestinians.

The Jewish State was not founded by peaceful new immigrants seeking refuge and escape from the Pogroms of Russia; it was founded by angry, racists militants committed to ethnically cleanse Palestine from its Arab inhabitants by all means preferably by military means and cold blooded murder. That philosophy of the past continues today some 100 years later. The Jewish Occupation of 67 not only inspired the Jewish communities around the world, it was the rallying cry of Jews energized and drunk with victory giving Israel total unconditional and unquestionable support for all of its actions and the many wars initiated and engaged in by the Jewish state since 67.

The political, theological and social ideology that inspired the killings in Gaza, is the same that inspired the force expulsion of 700,000 Arabs, the total demolitions of 550 Arab villages, the killings in Dir Yassin, Qibya, Lod, Sabra and Shatilla, Qana I and Qana II, and the same that inspired the dropping of high explosive bombs over the school in Dir Albaqr in Egypt, the same that inspired the dropping of 1.5 million cluster bombs over civilian targets in Lebanon, the same that inspired the dropping of phosphorous bombs over civilian targets in Gaza and bombings of hospitals, schools, homes and mosques. Such theological value system also inspired the American Rabbi Baruch Goldstein to gun down dozens and injuring more than a hundred Muslim worshipers as they kneeled in early Morning Prayer in the Ibrahimi Mosque (the Tomb of the Patriarchs) in Hebron. This theological philosophy was well explained in an essay titled “Ideology behind the Hebron Massacre” by the late Professor Israel Shahak.

For many Jews, secular or religious, believe that true redemptions comes about through murder and killings of Arabs, such were the views of the late American Jewish Rabbi Meir Kahane proponent of “ extermination of the Arabs as the surest way to bring about “True Redemption of the Jews”. Rabbi Kahane calls on the Jews not fear Gentile but fear God only as “they go about expelling all Arabs from the land of Israel”. This view remains the rallying cry of the Jewish Settlers movements and the Hill Top Jews.

That religious and theological philosophy is the prevailing philosophy of the Gush Emunim, the Jewish Settlers movement benefiting from the large generosity of American Jews especially philanthropic Jews engaged in gambling, prostitutions, liquors and Bingo Games and Gods knows what else? According to Ian Lustic, Gush Emunim believe that “Jews are not and cannot be normal people” due the covenant made with God in Mount Sinai. Rabbi Shlomo Aviner one of their leader believe “while God requires other normal nations to abide by abstract codes of “justice and righteousness” such laws do not apply to Jews”. Rabbi Israel Ariel was quoted as saying “a Jew who kills a non-Jew is exempt from human judgment, and has not violated the prohibition of murder” Such religious philosophy prevails among the leaders of the Gush Emunim the likes of Rabbi Aviner, Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Kook, Rabbi Ariel all of whom are of the views that” Arabs living in Palestine are thieves because the land was once Jewish all the property to be found on that land “really” belongs to the Jews”. As such the Arab-Israeli conflict must not be seen as political conflict but a theological conflict that justifies the crimes in Gaza.
Eric H Yoffe in an article titled “Promoting Racism in Israel” provides a very similar and frightening interpretation of the prevailing views among leading Rabbis especially the explanation of the commandment in Deuteronomy 25:17 where quoting from February 26,1980 article published in Bat Kol, the student paper of Bar-Illan University and titled “ The Mitzvah of Genocide in the Torah” written by Rabbi Israel Hess where theological justifications for are found for “Killing of babes and sucklings, and forbid the showing of mercy”. This theological view comes from “milchment mitzvah” or war of religious obligations “Jewish Jihad”. Unlike the views held by suicide bombers that God provides them with 70 virgins for killing innocent people, the Jews believe that God Him Self comes down on the side of Jewish soldiers as they engage in cold blooded murder of non-Jews. This view was recently confirmed by Grand Rabbi Joseph Ovadia who claimed as reported in Haaretz that God interfered on the side of the Jewish soldiers during the War on Gaza and telling them where the terrorists were hiding.In the same article Eric H. Yoffe, reports of exchange between Rabbi Shimon Wiser and one Yeshiva student who is also a member of the Jewish Army where the later ( student) concludes “ during wartimes I am permitted, even obligated to kill every Arab man and woman who happens across my way. I am obligated to kill them even if this leads to complications with military codes”. It seems this was the prevailing views not only of soldiers, but commanders and civilians leaders as well. It should not be so shocking for American Jews who secured congressional support for their Jewish Army to note the recent testimony of soldiers who reported in certain instances the cold blooded murder of an old Palestinian woman as she drudged alone on a lonely road, or the killings of a women and her children as she confused the orders of going left rather than right. I am sure such acts of cold blooded murder made those who prepared and shoved the congressional resolutions down the throat of members of Congress very proud and is part of the value system prevailing among Israeli supporters.This racists and criminal attitude goes toward the views that Palestinians Arabs do not belong and should not belong in Jerusalem, in Jewish towns and cities and certainly not in Israel. Thus the views of politicians the likes of Avigdor Lieberman who is committed to “transfer” of Arabs out of Israel/Palestine, and leading scholars such as Rabbi Elieser Waldenberg, the winner of the 1976 Israel Prize who is of the view that Palestinians, Muslims and Christians should not be allowed to live in Jerusalem and if the Jewish State to follow the covenant with God “it must expel all non Jews from Jerusalem, in like manner, it is forbidden to us to permit non-Jews to be a majority in any cities among the cities of Israel” ( Haaettz, May 9, 1967. Thus the ethnic cleansing of Arabs from Jerusalem has nothing to do with security as claimed, and the recent demolitions of Arab homes in Jerusalem has nothing to do with city regulations and housing codes, but has every thing to do with a theological and religious fatwa’s that forbid non-Jews to live in Jerusalem.

I always wondered why there is so much enmity between the Jewish State and the Arabs, between the world Jewish community, especially the American Jewish community and the Arabs, since the Arabs never committed the kind of crimes the Jews had to face for thousands of years, from the expulsion to Babylon, to the Inquision of Catholic Spain, to the Pogroms of Orthodox Czarist Russia to the Holocaust of Protestant Germany and the defamation of the Protocols of Zion. The Arabs and Muslims never did commit the kind of crimes that makes the Jews hate the Arabs so much. The golden age of Jews was during the periods of Muslims empires. However now I understand. It must be part of a religious, theological and cultural philosophy that must have been dormant for thousands of years and was dusted off and given a new life with the founding of Zionism and founding of a Jewish State to be a light among all nations.

With very few exceptions there is a defending silence among “Diaspora Jews”, as if a conspiracy of silence exists and in fact it does exist, especially in the US where very few Jews dare to speak out against the racist and criminal acts of Israel, against the Jewish Occupation, against the more than 500 “security” check points where Palestinians of all ages are subject to the most demeaning of human humiliations on daily basis. There is absolute silence against Israel Apartheid policies and practices, against the Jewish settlements on stolen Arab lands ( including mine), against the Apartheid Wall, against the ethnic cleansing of Arabs from Jerusalem, against the destruction of farms and uprooting of hundreds of thousands of trees, against house demolitions, against targeted killings, against arbitrary arrests, against the use of civilians as shields for the very brave Jewish soldiers and against the siege of Gaza and against war crimes committed by the Jewish Army in Gaza. Those brave Diaspora Jews (very few) who dare to speak out find themselves in the cold, out on the streets, dismissed from jobs and denied tenures and otherwise blackmailed by a Jewish community that pride itself to be among the first to support the Civil Rights movement, the first to stand up against the late Senator Joseph McCarthy and his “un-American inquisition”. Yes we have every right to be angry at “Diaspora Jews” and we have every right not to forgive them for turning what would and should have been a safe heaven for Jews that turned to a racist and criminal enterprise called the State of Israel. Of course no one expect Jewish leaders, commanders and soldiers to ever face war crimes, since Jews are not subject to abstract codes of justice and righteousness.

President Obama and the road to Jerusalem.

No doubt Barack Obama’s visit to Europe and Turkey was a great success and his fresh new approach of inviting the world to a partnership with the world is a welcomed contrast to the value and world view of his predecessor George W. Bush. This partnership for sure will bring peace, security and prosperity to the world, certainly to the US.

While Afghanistan and Pakistan problems will not be easy to solve and are doable, the issue and conflict in the Middle East specially the Arab-Israeli conflict will be far more difficult if not impossible to solve without the US taking some very tough measures and decisions including lifting of political and military cover to Israel and its Occupation.

Before President Barack Obama and his administrations can resolve the Middle East conflict and bring peace and security to the Middle East and succeed in making Israel a viable partner for peace and prosperity of the Middle East, he and his administrations has to consider and address the followings issues and difficulties:

1. Intransigent American Jewish Community: Before Obama can move forward and take the necessary and bold steps to solving the conflicts, he must make sure his flank and back are covered from the backlash of a powerful American Jewish community, especially its leadership that has and 67 War, apposed peace and putting obstacles between Israel and the Palestinians. With AIPAC and the Jewish Lobby playing major and critical role in formulating and shaping the US policies at all levels; at the White House, National Security Council, United Nation certainly in Congress and at major think tanks. President Obama must reach directly to members of Congress and secure their support for his efforts. An American Congress under the toxic influence of the Jewish Lobby can make life hell for Barack Obama and his administration. The American Jewish leadership and for many years held the American Jewish community, Congress and all US administrations, Israel and the entire Middle East hostage to its own self serving interests. Peace between Israel and the Palestinians was never a priority. This leadership and community thorough the power and influence it has in Washington undermined any and all serious efforts toward peace since the days of Lyndon Johnson. This leadership and community with the likes of Dennis Ross, Martin Indyke, and Elliot Abrams among many others played major role in formulating US policies especially Israeli Jewish Settlement and Jerusalem. Two key issues that made peace impossible between Israel and the Palestinians. Without Barack Obama facing this powerful leadership and community face to face it will be very difficult for the US to make any headway. The fear is for President Obama to retreat before this very powerful community that does not see peace in the Middle East, especially between Israel and the Palestinians as a strategic goal and part of its own agenda.

2. An Israel that does not see peace as strategic goal: Israel and since 67 War it believes that it liberated the rest of what remained of historical Palestine and does not see it self as an occupying power and even when it consider it presence “questioned”, it refers to the Occupied West Bank as “disputed territories” but never as the Occupied Territories. First Israel went about annexing East Jerusalem as part of Eretz Israel it subsequently went ahead with plans to create “facts on the ground” that will make it almost impossible for a future Palestinian state to ever exist inside historical Palestine. Israel’s settlement policies found a listening and very supportive partner in the US due to the influence and power of American Jewish policy makers who shifted the issue of settlements from “illegal”, to “obstacle” to “not helpful” to “facts on the ground”. Israel on every occasion whether it Annapolis or during frequent visits of Condi Rice made sure it robs and steal more and more Palestinian land for its ever expanding settlements. We need to keep in mind that Israel as a nation, as an ideology, as a theology does not see any place for the Palestinians in Eretz Israel. The recent vote for a Netanyahu-Lieberman is only a confirmation of this ideology. It is not a shift in policy but a more honest message that Labor-Kadima did its best to hide and sugar coat for world consumption.

3. A weak, incompetent and corrupt Palestinians leadership: One need to keep in mind that the Palestinians are in this difficult situation due to the irresponsible, reckless policies of the late Yaser Arafat and the PLO leadership. Oslo rather than being the road map to liberation and ending the occupation turned out to be an agreement to perpetuate the Jewish Occupation making the Palestinian Authority a contractor and civil administrator for the Jewish Occupation shifting the costs of the Jewish Occupation from being an Israeli financial burden to an ever ending financial burden for the Palestinians. For over 15 years of Talmudic negotiations the Palestinians found themselves in a never ending losing situation, unable to make any headway toward ending the Jewish Occupation. The PLO and Oslo fatal shortcoming is the fact that Oslo failed to address the issue of ending the Jewish Occupation and the “Final Status Issues” leaving Israel to create facts on the grounds with the military and settler’s occupation as ongoing enterprise leaving the Palestinians simply powerless. The only achievements to show for is 3,000 VIP passes and billions of dollars in the bank accounts of corrupt, inept and unfit leadership, while the people have to put up with the daily miseries, humiliation and often deadly occupation. The PLO under Oslo gave full recognition to Israel (without ever defining the borders of Israel) failed to get and secure any commitment from Israel to end its occupation. 15 years of continuous negotiations made life hell for the Palestinians, robbing them of their land, properties, water, farms not to mention the more than 550 security checkpoints, the Apartheid Wall, daily arrests, targeted killings, home demolitions, ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Jerusalem. More than 500,000 Palestinians were guests of Israeli prisons in the last 40 years with more than 11,000 held hostages by Israel. The present PLO leadership proved on so many occasions that it is inept, incompetent, unfit and too weak to make ending the occupation as the number one priority. Added to this failure, there is simply too much corruption and too personal and self serving interests for the leadership to make building a nation, albeit under occupation a possibility and priorities. The fact that in over 15 years of efforts, this leadership failed to build and organize a professional security force should speak for itself. One can only imagine the difficulties of building other badly needed institutions such as health care, education, transportation, housing and local development. The PLO leadership proved after 45 years of political and economic monopolies that it is a total failure. Hamas on the other hand and not so much different from its arch enemy Fatah, proved it too is self serving and much more interested in its own agenda and power than working toward practical solutions to ending the occupation. Both Hamas and Fatah do not have as part of their own agendas ending the Jewish Occupation as top priority. The main priorities for both Fatah and Hamas are rebuilding and serving their own political, economic and membership. Disagreement over a political agenda and failure to agree on a world supported plan to rebuild Gaza is but an excuse to cover this self-serving and selfish agenda.

With all of these hornet nests, Barack Obama needs to think out of the box and come up with a plan that can overcome these very difficult issues and situations. To start with, President Obama must utilize the UN Security Council, this time not to give veto cover for Israel’s continued occupation but to pass a UN Security Council Resolution calling for and placing the Palestinian Occupied Territories ( West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza) under an international mandate for an interim period of 5 years and the appointment of a Trustees/Administrator to takes over the total administration of the Occupied Territories from both Israel and the Palestinian Authority. At the moment, the Palestinians under occupation are held hostage by Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Fatah and Hamas.
The Trustee/Administrator must with the support of a combined NATO/UN forces take over all security issues and matters from Israel, including the security of existing Jewish settlements. The Trustee/Administrator should have a mandate to disarm all militias both Palestinians and Jewish, dismantle all security check points, cancel all “Jewish Roads Only” stop the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Jerusalem, tearing down the Apartheid Wall, and making sure that weapons and security are only in the hands of the combined NATO/UN forces. The Trustee becomes the civil administrator of the formerly Occupied Territories.
Short of this drastic measure, and left on their own, the Palestinians and Israelis will never be unable to reach any viable peace, with one side having all of the powers to make facts on the ground, while the other side is simply inept, incompetent, unfit and corrupt to negotiate a fair deal. Final peace agreement should come after this interim period with Palestinians having the chance during this period to organize their own affairs free from the corrupting influence of Hamas and Fatah, especially the inclusion of the more than 6 millions Palestinians living in the Diaspora. With 5 years as an interim period after ending the Occupation, the Palestinians should be ready to sit down and conclude a final peace with Israel, based on a two state solution and an open, united and shared Jerusalem.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

We Will Not Forgive The Jews For Their Silence; for Turning Israel Into a Racist, Criminal State.

The Jewish War on Gaza and its resultant destruction of the Gaza Strip and the horrible killings of innocent women and children in cold blood and as reported in series of articles in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz and in statements made by UN officials were not surprising since Jewish soldiers are educated and trained to do that, simply kill. And so the total silence of the Jewish community around the world and especially the US Jewish community should not come as a shocking surprise but was and is expected and so their dancing in the streets of New York City as their army was leveling Gaza, destroying homes, schools, hospitals, clinics, and UN supply depot and so their successful push for a an overwhelming resolutions in both House and Senate supporting Israel’s crimes in the name of “self defense”.

Ehud Barak, the Jewish Defense Chief in charge of the War on Gaza had the Chutzpah to declare the Jewish Army as “the most moral army in the world” as he went about justifying the killing and mayhem in Gaza. Of course Ehud Barak is right. The war on Gaza and the War on Lebanon, the many wars on the Arabs, and the crimes committed by his Jewish army are part of a culture, religious and value system that makes killing and murder of Arabs, a moral thing. For sure neither Ehud Barak nor the Jewish communities around the world and especially in the US seems to have heard of the word of the late Chaim Weisman, the first Jewish president as he warned “ I am certain that the world will judge the Jewish State by what it will do with the Arabs”. Chaim Weisman had good reasons to worry about how these Jewish settlers of Palestine and how they treat the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine, the Palestinians.

The Jewish State was not founded by peaceful new immigrants seeking refuge and escape from the Pogroms of Russia; it was founded by angry, racists militants committed to ethnically cleanse Palestine from its Arab inhabitants by all means preferably by military means and cold blooded murder. That philosophy of the past continues today some 100 years later. The Jewish Occupation of 67 not only inspired the Jewish communities around the world, it was the rallying cry of Jews energized and drunk with victory giving Israel total unconditional and unquestionable support for all of its actions and the many wars initiated and engaged in by the Jewish state since 67.

The political, theological and social ideology that inspired the killings in Gaza, is the same that inspired the force expulsion of 700,000 Arabs, the total demolitions of 550 Arab villages, the killings in Dir Yassin, Qibya, Lod, Sabra and Shatilla, Qana I and Qana II, and the same that inspired the dropping of high explosive bombs over the school in Dir Albaqr in Egypt, the same that inspired the dropping of 1.5 million cluster bombs over civilian targets in Lebanon, the same that inspired the dropping of phosphorous bombs over civilian targets in Gaza and bombings of hospitals, schools, homes and mosques. Such theological value system also inspired the American Rabbi Baruch Goldstein to gun down dozens and injuring more than a hundred Muslim worshipers as they kneeled in early Morning Prayer in the Ibrahimi Mosque (the Tomb of the Patriarchs) in Hebron. This theological philosophy was well explained in an essay titled “Ideology behind the Hebron Massacre” by the late Professor Israel Shahak.

For many Jews, secular or religious, believe that true redemptions comes about through murder and killings of Arabs, such were the views of the late American Jewish Rabbi Meir Kahane proponent of “ extermination of the Arabs as the surest way to bring about “True Redemption of the Jews”. Rabbi Kahane calls on the Jews not fear Gentile but fear God only as “they go about expelling all Arabs from the land of Israel”. This view remains the rallying cry of the Jewish Settlers movements and the Hill Top Jews.

That religious and theological philosophy is the prevailing philosophy of the Gush Emunim, the Jewish Settlers movement benefiting from the large generosity of American Jews especially philanthropic Jews engaged in gambling, prostitutions, liquors and Bingo Games and Gods knows what else? According to Ian Lustic, Gush Emunim believe that “Jews are not and cannot be normal people” due the covenant made with God in Mount Sinai. Rabbi Shlomo Aviner one of their leader believe “while God requires other normal nations to abide by abstract codes of “justice and righteousness” such laws do not apply to Jews”. Rabbi Israel Ariel was quoted as saying “a Jew who kills a non-Jew is exempt from human judgment, and has not violated the prohibition of murder” Such religious philosophy prevails among the leaders of the Gush Emunim the likes of Rabbi Aviner, Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Kook, Rabbi Ariel all of whom are of the views that” Arabs living in Palestine are thieves because the land was once Jewish all the property to be found on that land “really” belongs to the Jews”. As such the Arab-Israeli conflict must not be seen as political conflict but a theological conflict that justifies the crimes in Gaza.

Eric H Yoffe in an article titled “Promoting Racism in Israel” provides a very similar and frightening interpretation of the prevailing views among leading Rabbis especially the explanation of the commandment in Deuteronomy 25:17 where quoting from February 26,1980 article published in Bat Kol, the student paper of Bar-Illan University and titled “ The Mitzvah of Genocide in the Torah” written by Rabbi Israel Hess where theological justifications for are found for “Killing of babes and sucklings, and forbid the showing of mercy”. This theological view comes from “milchment mitzvah” or war of religious obligations “Jewish Jihad”. Unlike the views held by suicide bombers that God provides them with 70 virgins for killing innocent people, the Jews believe that God Him Self comes down on the side of Jewish soldiers as they engage in cold blooded murder of non-Jews. This view was recently confirmed by Grand Rabbi Joseph Ovadia who claimed as reported in Haaretz that God interfered on the side of the Jewish soldiers during the War on Gaza and telling them where the terrorists were hiding.

In the same article Eric H. Yoffe, reports of exchange between Rabbi Shimon Wiser and one Yeshiva student who is also a member of the Jewish Army where the later ( student) concludes “ during wartimes I am permitted, even obligated to kill every Arab man and woman who happens across my way. I am obligated to kill them even if this leads to complications with military codes”. It seems this was the prevailing views not only of soldiers, but commanders and civilians leaders as well. It should not be so shocking for American Jews who secured congressional support for their Jewish Army to note the recent testimony of soldiers who reported in certain instances the cold blooded murder of an old Palestinian woman as she drudged alone on a lonely road, or the killings of a women and her children as she confused the orders of going left rather than right. I am sure such acts of cold blooded murder made those who prepared and shoved the congressional resolutions down the throat of members of Congress very proud and is part of the value system prevailing among Israeli supporters.

This racists and criminal attitude goes toward the views that Palestinians Arabs do not belong and should not belong in Jerusalem, in Jewish towns and cities and certainly not in Israel. Thus the views of politicians the likes of Avigdor Lieberman who is committed to “transfer” of Arabs out of Israel/Palestine, and leading scholars such as Rabbi Elieser Waldenberg, the winner of the 1976 Israel Prize who is of the view that Palestinians, Muslims and Christians should not be allowed to live in Jerusalem and if the Jewish State to follow the covenant with God “it must expel all non Jews from Jerusalem, in like manner, it is forbidden to us to permit non-Jews to be a majority in any cities among the cities of Israel” ( Haaettz, May 9, 1967. Thus the ethnic cleansing of Arabs from Jerusalem has nothing to do with security as claimed, and the recent demolitions of Arab homes in Jerusalem has nothing to do with city regulations and housing codes, but has every thing to do with a theological and religious fatwa’s that forbid non-Jews to live in Jerusalem.

I always wondered why there is so much enmity between the Jewish State and the Arabs, between the world Jewish community, especially the American Jewish community and the Arabs, since the Arabs never committed the kind of crimes the Jews had to face for thousands of years, from the expulsion to Babylon, to the Inquision of Catholic Spain, to the Pogroms of Orthodox Czarist Russia to the Holocaust of Protestant Germany and the defamation of the Protocols of Zion. The Arabs and Muslims never did commit the kind of crimes that makes the Jews hate the Arabs so much. The golden age of Jews was during the periods of Muslims empires. However now I understand. It must be part of a religious, theological and cultural philosophy that must have been dormant for thousands of years and was dusted off and given a new life with the founding of Zionism and founding of a Jewish State to be a light among all nations.

With very few exceptions there is a defending silence among “Diaspora Jews”, as if a conspiracy of silence exists and in fact it does exist, especially in the US where very few Jews dare to speak out against the racist and criminal acts of Israel, against the Jewish Occupation, against the more than 500 “security” check points where Palestinians of all ages are subject to the most demeaning of human humiliations on daily basis. There is absolute silence against Israel Apartheid policies and practices, against the Jewish settlements on stolen Arab lands ( including mine), against the Apartheid Wall, against the ethnic cleansing of Arabs from Jerusalem, against the destruction of farms and uprooting of hundreds of thousands of trees, against house demolitions, against targeted killings, against arbitrary arrests, against the use of civilians as shields for the very brave Jewish soldiers and against the siege of Gaza and against war crimes committed by the Jewish Army in Gaza. Those brave Diaspora Jews (very few) who dare to speak out find themselves in the cold, out on the streets, dismissed from jobs and denied tenures and otherwise blackmailed by a Jewish community that pride itself to be among the first to support the Civil Rights movement, the first to stand up against the late Senator Joseph McCarthy and his “un-American inquisition”. Yes we have every right to be angry at “Diaspora Jews” and we have every right not to forgive them for turning what would and should have been a safe heaven for Jews that turned to a racist and criminal enterprise called the State of Israel. Of course no one expect Jewish leaders, commanders and soldiers to ever face war crimes, since Jews are not subject to abstract codes of justice and righteousness.

This essay was inspired by:
- “The Ideology Behind Hebron Massacre” by Professor Israel Shakah.
- “Promoting Racism in Israel” by Eric H. Yoffe.
- “On the eve of destruction” by Ari Shavit
- IDF in Gaza: Killing civilians, vandalism and lax rules of engagement: Haaretz 19/03/2009.
- ANALYSIS/ Can Israel dismiss its own troops’ stories from Gaza? Haaretz 19/03/2009.
- IDF orders probe into allegations over Gaza war. Haarets 19/03/2009.
- Barak seeks legal okay to move civilians from homes. Haaretz 04/03/2008
- Judges, scholars call on UN to probe war crimes by both sides in Gaza. Haaretz 20/03/2009.
- Reserve IDF generals: Ethics probe necessary but difficult to carry out. Haaretz 20/03/2009.
- UN envoy: Gaza op seems to be war crimes of greatest magnitude. Haaretz 19/03/2009.
- Dead Palestinian babies and bombed mosques- IDF fashion 2009. Haaretz 20/03/2009.
- Special Note: The Jewish State in addition to banning pasta, it also banned jam, biscuits, tomato paste, tea, sweets, and date bars, as security items from going into Gaza.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Hell With Israel, Open the Sea Port of Gaza!

The Gaza donor conference concluded couple of days ago in the Egyptian city of Sharm-El-Sheik and was attended by more than 70 countries, pledging more than $5 Billions exceeding any and all expectation. Of course this sum of money and the US pledge of $300 millions is dwarfed by the $30 Billions George Bush pledge to Israel in arms and weapons.

Nevertheless, I think the attendance and the generous amounts contributed shows finally how much the world care about the people of Gaza and is an indirect indictment of the crimes committed by Israel during its 22 days of 24/7 assault on the Gaza Strip. Of course very few head of states or government officials dare to criticize Israel as it went ahead with its war crimes on Gaza, but the world rallied around to bandage the wounds of the more than 1.5 million Palestinians who had to endure the most criminal war assault since the closing days of WWII perhaps with the exception of Israel’s summer war on Lebanon couple of years ago when some 1.5 million cluster bombs, gift from George Bush to the Lebanese people, were dropped in the last 10 days of the war.

The Gaza Reconstruction Conference in its closing statement called on Israel to open with immediate effect all crossing for all humanitarian aids and for contraction materials needed for the massive work ahead. Somehow every one forgot the geography of Gaza and that Gaza has some 50 km of shoreline and has a sea port.

However Israel given the angry unhappy nation it is, full of hate and contempt for the world and human value, is a country that will not even consider world opinion because it does not give a damn about the world public opinion to begin with, and is unlikely to open the border crossing with Gaza for pasta let alone front loader.

The newspapers carried accounts of the secret list of forbidden or restricted items Israel concluded as threats to its own security including “pasta, pasta sauce, lentil and hearing aids”. Senator John Kerry, the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relation Committee had to inquire with Ehud Barak, Israel’s Defense Minister why “pasta” is a restricted item? This should tell you and the world how pity this nation is, “the only killing democracy in the Middle East” and I will not be surprised if Israel added Humus, fool, falafel and kinafeh to the list of forbidden items. One has to imagine if the Palestinians wants to import heavy construction material or cement. Perhaps Israel has new building technology made up of bagels, motzaball or corn beef as construction material. Israel needs serious mental help.

What I am most surprised about is the call by almost every one, from Mahmoud Abbas, to Hillary Clinton, to Nicolas Sarkozy, to Husni Mubarak and their calls, almost begging calls for Israel to open the border crossing, I say hell with Israel and its border crossing with Gaza, Let Israel build a 1000 meter high Apartheid Wall between it and Gaza. Who needs Israel and who needs its product and services? Israel is giving the impression to the world it is doing the Palestinians a big favor when it allows fuels and food supplies to come into Gaza, For God sake Israel and Jewish suppliers get paid for every thing that comes through to Gaza, at much higher prices, nothing is for free, so why bother with Israel when Gaza has access to the sea and has a port much older than any ports in Israel.

Let Israel go to hell, and let Israel keep its borders crossing closed and let the people of Gaza open their port and import every thing they needs and wants through the Port of Gaza. No need to reward Israeli suppliers with billions of supply contracts. I know the world is concerned about Hamas smuggling weapons, and all I can say is that Hamas is simply too stupid to smuggle any thing of significant threat to Israel such at RPJs and other serious weapons of significant risk to Israel. In more than 2 years under siege Hamas has managed to smuggle enough material to produce useless, and militarily insignificant Qassam rockets that some 15,000 of these failed to even totally destroy one single house. Though I believe the issue of weapon smuggling is more political and a powerful propaganda tool than strategic issue for Israel, nevertheless I concede that something has to be done to make sure that Hamas or any one else does not use the opening of the Port of Gaza for weapon smuggling. Beside, I am not convinced that armed struggle Hamas style is the answer to liberation.

I am sure the Americans and the Europeans will be very pleased if Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas announced to the world their willingness to entrust the management and operation including security operation of the Port of Gaza to the Americans and perhaps some European partners. Let America manage and operate the port making sure only constructions materials, food suppliers and consumers goods comes through the port. Let American and the European break the siege of Gaza and end once and for all the Israeli Occupation of Gaza that has lasted some 42 years. Let America and Europe operate all of the security measures, not to Israel’s satisfaction but to the American and European satisfaction that all materials coming through are for civil purposes and nothing to make atomic weapon out of. And yes, let Egypt close the Rafah Crossing for all goods but allow it for people to cross if they chose to travel through Egypt. Let the US and Europe open and operate both the Sea Port and Airport of Gaza. Let the world this time end the siege of Gaza. Hamas must not hold the people hostage to its own agenda. And yes, let the US Navy and US Coast Guard patrol the coast lines off Gaza for good measure.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Time for Mahmoud Abbas to Turn in Keys and VIP Passes

The Israeli voters and beyond them the American Jewish community made it very clear, there is no peace with Palestinians, no peace with Arabs, no sharing of Jerusalem and no evacuations of settlements and no tearing down the Apartheid Wall, certainly no end to the siege and starving of Gaza, no end to the targeted assassinations, and nothing but contempt for their partners in Ramallah.

I do not know what other message did Mahmoud Abbas was waiting for to come from his “peace partners” in Tel-Aviv. The Israeli voters voted in a resounding voice, no peace, and no chance for peace and made it clear that the war crimes on Gaza, the spilled blood of tens of thousands, the destruction of the entire infrastructures of Gaza are not enough for the Israeli voters. They voted for parties they expect to take harsher and more ruthless measures with the Palestinian than Kadima/Labor government did.

For over 20 years the PLO and Fatah have engaged in “peace” process and negotiations that got the Palestinians no where. In fact the situation in Gaza and the West Bank is much more worse now than it was 20 years ago, before the late Yasser Arafat and his partners Mahmoud Abbas and Ahmed Qurai decided to undermine and abort the First Intifada in favor of getting and securing for the PLO and Fatah a very lucrative contract with the Jewish Occupation.

Jewish settlements are every where, in every hill top, around every town and village, wringing Jerusalem and Bethlehem and cutting off Jerusalem from the West Bank from all sides. Checkpoints are every where, around every village and every town subjecting people to daily humiliation, insults, misery every day with some waiting for 10 hours or more just to go few miles to the next village, some even die at these security checkpoints while waiting for 18 old Jewish soldiers to have their fun and entertain themselves.

Towns and villages are subject to arbitrary curfew and closers, with their farms uprooted and destroyed, their livestock killed and buried under armored bulldozers. Jewish Only Roads are chocking access and interactions between villages and towns, while criminal Jewish settlers roam free throughout the land. Palestinians are imprisoned at their homes, with more than 11,000 kidnapped and held hostages. More than 350,000 Palestinians had been through Israeli prisons at one time or another.

Oslo was a very good deal for Israel, and was even a better deal for the PLO and the leadership of Fatah. Oslo was never good for Palestine and for the Palestinians. Israel was able to pass all of the costs to the world community, with the Palestinians Authority doing the beginnings. Israel kept its military and Jewish settlers in place and in charge throughout the country. The Palestinian Authority was able to secure for itself a very lucrative financial and management contract, it could never even dream of, giving jobs to all those who failed to liberate Palestine, but came back with the permission of and approval of the Jewish Occupation.

Oslo was a very good deal for the PLO and Fatah leadership securing for its leadership thousand of VIP passes so that senior officials of Fatah and PA can zip through the hundreds of checkpoints while the rest of the miserable people have to endure hours and hours if not not days waiting at checkpoints, tired and humiliated

Oslo was able to perpetuate the failed leadership of the PLO and Fatah and give them a new lease on life after running out of money to support a decadent life style, with tens of billions stolen by the leadership. The same leadership that after 18 years of managing the people for and on behalf of the Jewish Occupation have nothing to show for, no viable, working and functioning institutions, no accountability or transparency, certainly no independent justice and judicial system. Nothing to show for but tens of billions stolen and thousands of million dollars villas for those who claimed to have liberated Palestine.

Time for Mahmoud Abbas to close his shop and turn in the keys to his employers in Tel-Aviv and time for him and all of the senior executives and leadership of the Palestinian Authority to turn in their VIP passes to their employers and sponsors in Tel-Aviv. Time to shut down the Palestinian Authority as a failed experiment and call it quit.

Time for all Palestinians to burn their Israeli issued IDs in mass protest of the Occupation and time for all Palestinians to start the first and real step toward ending the Occupation, not through negotiations but by forcing the world to intervene and force Israel to end its occupation that lasted 41 years. Time for a new smart, accountable and engaging leadership to take charge and put Fatah and Hamas out of business once and for all.

Time for the Palestinians to engage in a sustained civil disobedience, no guns, no stupid Qassam rockers, no suicide bombings, but sustained civil disobedience that will wear Israel and its supporters down and engage the people of the world for a challenge they never expected to face, putting an end to the Zionists enterprise and putting an end to the Jewish Occupation and save Israel from its own people.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Forbidden Debate

In the US and the West, we are able and free to debate God and HIS/HER existence, debate Jesus, Moses, Mohamed, debate America, its failures and its successes, debate our constitution and its interpretations. We are free to debate George Bush his stupidity, his crimes against America and the world, and his many failures. We are free to debate anything and every thing except Zionism, Israel and Judaism. In Palestine and the Arab world, we are allowed to discuss few things but one thing no one dares to discuss is the PLO, its illegitimacy and its failures.

Israel committed war crimes for over 20 days in Gaza killing and murdering in cold blood women and children, destroying homes, schools, social centers, UN facilities, mosques and hospitals yet, no one in the US and the West dare to say any thing let alone criticize Israel, its racist and criminal practices, as we have seen in the BBC refusal to air calls for aids to Gaza and in the attack on Paul Simon and CBC for its airing of the recent special of why a two state solution is not possible any more.

Mahmoud Abbas, whose presidential term finished and expired couple of weeks ago and who lost any and all legitimacy as president of Palestine and the Palestinian Authority stood up yesterday in Cairo and declared that under no circumstances there will be any dialogue with those who (Hamas) questions the legitimacy of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

I am sure all Palestinians and the Arab world, with the exception of the very few Palestinians who are on the payroll of the PLO know well that the PLO lost any and all of whatever legitimacy it had to begin with 20 years ago. What remains now of the PLO is nothing more than perhaps couple of dozen “parasites” around Mahmoud Abbas, direct beneficiaries of his financial generosity. I am sure if the payroll stops they will drop the PLO as hot potatoes.

To begin with, the PLO was never elected, voted or chosen by the Palestinian people, rather the PLO was chosen by the Arab League, which itself is of questionable legitimacy with many Arab leaders coming to power by tanks but not by the ballots and have no legitimacy whatsoever. As at no time did the Palestinian people in an open debate, forums, votes or ballots ever voted for and selected the PLO as “the sole and only representative of the Palestinians people”. An organization like the Arab League with questionable legitimacy cannot vote on or select an organization for and on behalf of the Palestinians people. The Arab League never had a mandate to represent the people of Palestine let alone select its representative, never.

Even in its heydays, the PLO was never legitimate since its officers and members were not elected by the people, but through a process similar in so many ways to the old Communist Party of the old Soviet Union, were the party on its won without ever going back to the people chose its general members and this general membership elected a slate of candidate that the leadership put forward. The same is true of the PLO. Arafat as a party leader funded and organized unions such as teachers, artist, social scientists, engineers, students etc to be part of the “party” and put forward slate of leadership to head and represent these “unions” and in turn these selected leaders voted the same (Arafat) leadership that voted them in. Thus the Palestine National Council which is the “elected” people’s congress was never elected through open election rather its members where selected by Arafat and his gangs and where voted in. Faulty process to the core.

Thus the Palestine National Congress never truly represented the people and Arafat and his gangs were never voted in by the Palestinian people inside and outside Palestine. That is why there was never ever an open and serious debate on issues of concern to the people such as the occupation, liberation, building institutions, representing the people of the Diaspora, let alone the many fatal and criminal decisions taken by Arafat and the PLO leadership. There was never a debate on what happened in Jordan in 1970, never a debate on what happened in Lebanon, never a debate on what happened in Tel-Zaater and Sabra and Shatilla, never a debate on what happened to cause of the forced exiles of 350,000 from Kuwait, never a debate let alone filing criminal and civil charges against all those who committed war crimes against the Palestinian people. Equally troublesome is the lack of debate or call for accountability of the tens of billions of the people money that simply disappeared during the tenures of Arafat, Qurai and Abbas. Tens of billions of the people money stolen by the very same leadership that supposed to be the people trustees of their money and future. As such the Palestine National Council was nothing more than a ‘yes” congress for the leadership so similar to the party congress of the Soviet Union, a bunch of “yes” people who serve the wills of their masters, the leadership.

It was the late Arafat and his partners Abbas and Qurai who once they signed the Oslo agreement recognizing Israel and its occupations, and becoming its agents and administrators simply discarded the PLO as no entity. The Palestinian Trio of Arafat, Abbas and Qurai, turned the PLO into a “shell” organization putting a number of loyal cadres on the payroll just to keep the PLO under “oxygen”. The Palestinians Authority became the legal and financial partner of the Jewish Occupation. Arafat and Abbas simply put the PLO in a cold freezer, to use only when needed and to serve the purpose of the Jewish Occupation.

Under Oslo, Israel recognized the PLO as “the representative of the Palestinian people” and the only one authorized to sign and execute a “peace agreement” with Israel. Thus Mahmoud Abbas insistence on the PLO and its role in the “peace process”. Without Abbas’s PLO, Israel could not consolidate its occupation, could not settle the issue of the refugees, could not keep the Jewish settlements and could not have a financial and security partner. Abbas insistence on the legitimacy of the PLO has nothing to do with ending the Jewish Occupation, has nothing to do with the Apartheid Wall, has nothing to do with ending the Jewish settlements, has nothing to do with return of refugees, has nothing to do with Jerusalem, has nothing to do with Jewish war crimes, has nothing to do with the 11,000 hostages held by Israel, certainly it has nothing to do with the siege of Gaza, with the war on Gaza and the Jewish war crimes committed in Gaza. It has every thing to do with his the PLO legal obligations under Oslo to deliver Palestine and the Palestinians people under occupation and in the Diaspora to Israel. Without the PLO Israel could not reach a “peace agreement” that makes Israel a controlling partner of all Occupied Palestine of 67 including Jerusalem.

As for Israel and the lack of debate, we all know what happened to any one and every one who dares to say or speak out. They end up on the side streets of Washington, Berlin, Paris and London, politically finished and ruined. A deadly bullet waits all those who dare to speak out. The same is true in Palestine and the Arab world.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Turki Al-Faisal, The Arab World Special Peace Envoy

Turki Al-Faisal, The Arab World Special Peace Envoy.
23 01 2009

I could not think of one single person in the Arab world who is more articulate well qualified with excellent professional, academic credential, qualification, and integrity committed to the Palestinians and Arab rights and cause than HRH Prince Turki Al-Faisal as the Arab world Special Peace Envoy to America and the world.

President Barack Obama took the bold step on his second day of office naming George Mitchell as the US Special Envoy to the Middle East. I think it is time for the Arab world, we the people, to have someone with the stature and professionalism like Prince Turki Al-Faisal to take the lead as the Arabs Special Peace Envoy.

During his short tenure as Saudi Ambassador to Washington, Prince Turki Al-Faisal distinguished himself with his outreach to all Arab and Muslim communities across the US, an undertaken that I know of no Arab ambassador ever took in my 48 years in the US, a reach that both disturbed the Bush Administration and the Jewish lobby.

Prince Turki Al-Faisal also made sure he reach out to America and America criss crossing the country, articulating and representing the Arab views and position on the Middle East and the Arab-Israeli conflict that no Palestinian envoy ever bothered to undertake. He was reaching out, not waiting for invitations to cocktail parties.

No one can have more claims on Arab nationalism than the son of the late King Faisal who dedicated his life and died for Palestine and Jerusalem. Turki Al-Faisal like his late father is an Arab nationalist through and through. He is articulate, sharp, smart, and rich enough with unquestionable integrity putting the Arab and Palestinian interest as focus of his mission.

As a Palestinian in the Diaspora I could not think of a single Palestinian who matches Prince Turki Al-Faisal credentials, integrity, and intellect to represent our best interest in peace discussions with the US, with Israel and with the world. He is the only one well placed to coordinate and lead the discussions with the American administration and the world. I strongly suggest that we the Arabs and Palestinians draft Prince Turki Al-Faisal as the Arab Special Peace Envoy. We the Palestinians and the Arabs badly need someone like Prince Turki Al-Faisal to be our representative to the world.

One only needs to take a close look at those who took the lead to discuss and negotiate peace with Israel. Nothing to write home about and nothing to show for certainly nothing to be proud of. Perhaps the only exception was the team of the late Dr. Haider Abdul-Shafi who lead the Palestinian delegation to Madrid and to Washington only to be undermined by the late Yasser Arafat who was running scared that Dr. Haider, and the late Faisal Al-Hussani represent a real challenge to the leadership of Arafat and his side kicks Mahmoud Abbas and Ahmed Qurai and was afraid that his role as the “leader” will be marginalized and challenged by someone like Dr. Haider and Faisal Al-Hussaini.

Arafat was afraid that the Palestinians team of Dr. Haider will be able to achieve a break through that will bring liberation and freedom to the Palestinian people under occupation and find a redress to the all of the Diaspora and more favorable terms that he Arafat was willing to give and planned for. His acceptance of Oslo was no accident.

Concerned only with preserving his leadership and all that comes with it with access to money and power, concerned with Fatah and PLO losing its long held monopoly on the Palestinian cause, the Palestinian Axis of Evil; Arafat, Qurai and Abbas conspired to undermine the more competent and a man of integrity and stature like Dr. Haider and went to Oslo only to come back to Palestine not as liberator but as agents and managers for the Jewish Occupation.

We all know what happened next. Arafat dispatch the not so smart Ahmed Qurai, a man with much questionable integrity and competence to Oslo to lead the negotiations that saved Yasser Arafat, his Fatah and secured for them a lucrative and long term contract as managers for the Jewish Occupation.

For some 18 years we have seen the same faces, incompetent, not so smart, and corrupt with questionable integrity and professionalism leading the negotiations with Israel and the US. No need to mention names but to say the least, there is simply nothing to brag about and nothing to be proud of. A bunch of self serving individuals who are direct beneficiaries of the continued Jewish Occupation who, could never qualify to take the lead and represent the best interest of the Palestinian people both under the Jewish Occupation and the Diaspora.

Certainly the PLO and Fatah do not have a single person with enough integrity and professionalism to sit across George Mitchell, or Barack Obama let alone across the Israeli leadership with its reliance on experts and professionals from around the world. The PLO negotiating team does not have what it takes to lead to a successful negotiation that at best minimize the damage we end up with. If the past is an indication of the future then all of the Palestinians are in deep trouble.

Hamas leadership is no different than Fatah and the PLO, perhaps less corrupt but lacking the sophistication and world view, lacking the deep expertise to qualify to sit across the Israelis and the entire world Jewish community. There understanding of the world view is limited to Gaza and to Damascus and an ideology that takes us to no where as we have seen in Gaza. Yes the war on Gaza was predetermined but for Hamas to claim victory is something else. Israel lost the war because it committed war crimes.

Hence the recommendations that someone like Prince Turki-Al-Faisal be drafted as the Arab world Special Peace Envoy to the US and the world with responsibilities to coordinate all working teams and take the lead in discussions especially when it comes to Jerusalem and the refugees. I do not think the Palestinians and the Arab could afford another Oslo. Time for new bold leadership, Turki Al-Faisal has what it takes.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

After Sderot, Will President Barack Obama Visit Gaza?

Candidate Barack Obama visited the southern city of Sderot to express his support to the town people. Sderot marketed by the powerful Jewish media machine in the US as suffering a great deal from Hamas ballistic and nuclear missiles. I wonder if President Obama will make a similar visit and see for himself what America’s real missiles, real jets and real bombs and rockets did to Gaza and the people of Gaza. Candidate Obama on his visit to Sderot was reaching low to win few more Jewish votes would President Obama reaches high and reach the hundreds of millions around the world who condemned the war crimes committed in Gaza?More...

Candidate Obama expressed great support for the resident of Sderot and appreciated that the people could not have peaceful nights and could not enjoy quite dinners with wine and music. Now that Israel leveled Gaza destroying its entire infrastructure, killed thousands and injured several thousands and made homeless hundreds of thousands, using the latest weapons American could muster. Would President Obama visit Gaza to express his support for the hundreds of thousands of the people and visit the graves of all of the children and women deliberately killed by Israel? Witness devastation and total destruction, victims of a criminal partnership between Israel and the US. During his visit to Sderot, candidate Obama was accompanied by Israel's Tzipi Livni, Ehud Barak, and Avi Dichter. Perhaps President Obama will be accompanied during his tour of Gaza by the parents of all those who lost their loved one, by the doctors who treated the tens of thousands by the UN relief workers who witness the cold blooded murder of women and children as they sought shelters.

Candidate Barack Obama went further by recording special YouTube message to the people and residents of Sderot. Candidate Obama declared during his visit “I think no country would accept missiles landing on their citizen”. Barack continued to say” I came to Sderot with commitments to Israeli security. Israel has the right to defend itself. Peace should not undermine security” I wonder what would President Obama says to the people of Gaza as he survey the total destruction of Gaza and witness the destruction of hospitals, schools, mosques, stadiums, food supplies centers, UN relief depots, deliberate targeting of children and parents as they sough shelter from one place to another? Would President Obama express the same rights for the people of Gaza, that they too have every right to be free, right to be safe, right to be secure and right to have enough food to have 3 meals a day, to have cooking oil, to have gas and heat, to have water to have access to their sea and to connect to the outside world. The people of Gaza may not need wine for their dinners; they only need to be alive to have dinner.

I wonder what kind of YouTube message would President Barack Obama send to the people of Gaza as they see the “only democracy” in the Middle East commits one war crime after another, using with generosity the free weapons supplied by the “greatest democracy in the world” such as; F-15s, F-16s, Apache and Cobra helicopters and phosphorous bombs destroying and killing every things in Gaza. I am sure he will see and appreciate the difference between the ballistic missiles of Hamas and the paper missiles of Israel.

Israel and for many years since its creations as a terrorist state has been committing war crimes and terrorism, and have used death and destruction as a way of life, part of the cultural and religious value system that does not respect the human life of others. It has a value system and culture that has nothing but contempt for the lives of others, especially the Palestinians who simply refuses to go down and let go of their rights in Palestine. Israel history of war crimes and terrorism is long and well documents; Deir Yassin, Qibya, Souk Albaqar school, Sabra and Shatilla, Qana 1 and Qana II, Jenin, Nablus, Hebron and the lists goes on and on. If war crimes qualifies for Noble Prize, Israelis will win 9 out of 10 such prizes.

Israel is unlike any other country in the world, it has no respect and no value for human lives especially the lives of others. It has no respect for international organizations; in fact it has nothing but contempt for the UN. Bombing and destroying UN compound at the very moment Pank Ki moon arrived in Israel. Israel is the only country that never respected any UN resolutions and has no respect for anyone in the world. It is a country and people unlike any thing we have seen in the last few centuries.

Someday America will wake up and discover perhaps little late that Israel is a clear and danger to America and Americans and the source of all of America’s ills and hate around the world. America and President Obama may discover and hopefully sooner than later that America’s total and unconditional support for Israel is wrong politics and that the views and the joy, dancing in the streets of New York City by American Jews and unconditional support by our Congress does not express the anger felt across America against Israel and its war crimes in Gaza. Perhaps President Obama and American should redefine its definition of terrorism making sure that Israel's state terrorism is terrorism even if its instruments not explosive belts but jets, tanks, helicopters, and cluster bombs. That terrorism include not only against Palestinians attacks against restaurants and buses but Jewish terrorism directed against schools and, hospitals and UN compounds.

Disgusting; Palestinian Leadership of Hamas, Fatah and PLO.

On Aljazeera International I just finished watching and listening to President Barack Obama speech at the State Department, followed by an interview on the same station with Hamas’s representative in Lebanon Osama Hamdan. Last night I also watched on the same station Kahlid Mishaal statement as a follow up to the War on Gaza. More troubling was the appearance of Yaser Abed-Rabou disparaging Hamas. All I can say I simply feel disgusted with the present Palestinians leadership both Fatah and Hamas. Of course President Obama was not ready to commit political suicide on day two addressing Israel's war crimes in Gaza.More...

Khalid Mishaal declares victory over Israel after an almost total destruction of Gaza leveling its entire infrastructure of hospitals, schools, clinics and hospitals, killings and murdering 1,400, injuring and maiming 5,000, destroying over 20,000 homes. Hamas did not win, Israel lost the war because it committed war crimes and it was exposed,

I was never in favor of, in fact I always spoken against suicide bombings directed toward Israeli citizens as a mater of moral issue and principal and always thought that Hamas committed a fatal mistake with its use of suicide bombings as a form of resistance. I was even less impressed with the useless, reckless and irresponsible rockets and missiles where over 15,000 fired resulted in few death and causing minimal damage. Mishaal never set the criteria for victory in Gaza.

It seems the Palestinians like all Arabs, including Nasser, Assad, Saddam, and Arafat all can claim victory when in fact there is nothing but defeat. Never understood the measure of victory for the Arab world let alone that of Hamas in Gaza and Arafat in Oslo. Perhaps Hamas and Arafat measure victory when the death is by the thousands and not ten of thousands, and where destruction is substantial but not total.

Perhaps we can leave Hamas success and victory in Gaza and shift our attention to the even greater success and victories of Fatah. After 40 years of “liberation” and “revolution” and after hundreds of thousand dead and tens of billions of dollars stolen or wasted, Fatah returned to the Palestinian Occupied Territories as manager for the Jewish Occupation setting world records in corruptions, incompetence, reckless disregards of public interest and citizens and total irresponsibility verging on treason. An absolute failure to liberate a square inch of occupied Palestine of 67, let alone Palestine of 48.

Arafat led the PLO and Fatah for some 40 years and the best he could deliver to all those who cheered him all these years is Oslo which legitimized the Israeli Occupation and the Jewish Settlements, recognized Israel with an ever expanding borders and a Palestinian Security forces e tens of thousands to support the Palestinian Authority in its mission to protect and provide security for the Jewish Occupation, the Jewish Army and the Jewish settlers.

Abbas continued the same road of endless negotiations with Israel with his lead negotiator Saeb Eurikat touting the “peace process” that became more of a process and much less of peace. A” Road Map” set up by non other than Jewish Zionist Elliot Abrams who made sure that the Road Map is heading to no where allowing Israel to continue with its ever expanding settlements. Abbas put his trust and faith in the Quartet that simply failed to address the Jewish Occupation as the only issue on the table and turned to Israeli security as defined by Israel as its primary focus. Security for its citizens, security for its occupying army and security for its armed thugs and settlers. Of course and since Oslo the primary focus and mission of the Palestinian Authority whether that of Arafat, Qurai or Abbas was Oslo and all the legal commitments it carried toward Israeli security and its continued occupation. There is simply nothing in Oslo about ending the Occupation.

The Palestinians Authority in over 18 years not only failed to end the Jewish Occupation, it failed to establish a free and independent Palestinians state with Jerusalem as its capital, it failed to establish efficient transparent functional institutions. The PLO returned after 40 years of fraudulent claims for liberation, could not manage traffic at Manara Square and failed to establish any ministry worthy of serving the citizens, an absolute dismal failure at all levels. Israel simply will not give up the Occupation.

The PLO led the fight to liberate and only to meet miserable failure. Fatah lead the fight to liberate Palestine only to continue and remain nothing but a corrupt, incompetent racketeering organization lead by and riddled with a cadre of thugs and crooks.

Hamas may not be that corrupt but its management of the siege of Gaza, the War on Gaza, and its aftermath convinced me and so many others that Hamas lead by similar incompetent and irresponsible leadership no different than that of Fatah. Any leadership that waives the decision of war and peace to a bunch of young, reckless and irresponsible military wing with no means to prevent death and destruction let alone provide protections to the citizens of Gaza is a leadership that should be put on trial. Hamas continue to think that “armed liberation” will bring an end to the Jewish Occupation failing to understand that well armed Arab armies did not win one single battle with Israel. Hamas must not think it can liberate Gaza with its Qassam rockets. Palestinians have every right to fight Jewish Occupation, the question is how and by what means?

Fatah has to learn that its endless negotiation and business as usual with Israel will never work and succeed, must learn that “peace process” will lead to no where and will only expand the Jewish settlements and allow Israel to continue with its Apartheid Wall and allow Israel to continue to dismember the West bank to even lesser “cantons” with an ever expanding road blocks. Fatah must give up its security and management contract with Israel. The people of Israel negotiated with G-d and won.

Hamas on the other hand has to recognize that its continued reliance on “armed resistance” based on stupid useless reckless rockets will go no where and will only expose the people of Gaza to more death and destructions. Armed resistance Hamas style is not an option and is nothing more than irresponsible and reckless.

So far and for the last 60 years the Palestinian people lacked the kind of leadership that has vision, smart, corrupt free, well qualified to lead to liberation. What we has seen so far from Arafat, Qurai , Abbas, Mishaal, Haniyah, Abed-Rabbo, Saeb Euraikat, Azzam Ahmed is an insult to all the good people of Palestine and does not bid well for the chances of liberation. What is out there is nothing but disgusting.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Fiddler on The Roof and Bernard Madoff.

Fiddler on The Roof and Bernard Madoff.
21 12 2008

When the movie “Fiddler on the Roof” came out back in 1971, it was such a big hit with me that I took 4 different dates to see it. It was a very moving story of a poor Jewish man named “Tevye” who endured a very tough and difficult time in Tsarist Russia and its frequent pogroms. With all of the difficulties he clanged to tradition, kept the faith in God and always wished he was a rich man.

Tevye perhaps speaks for all of us made poor by George Bush and the financial pogroms that put millions of Americans through, and I am sure Tevye speaks for the all of the rich Jews made poor by Bernard Madoff. I am sure all of us remember the wonderful and moving lyrics from Fiddler on the Roof

“Dear God, you made many, many poor people.
I realize, of course, that it’s no shame to be poor.
But it’s no great honor either!
So, what would have been so terrible if I had a small fortune?”

I’d build a big tall house with rooms by the dozen,
Right in the middle of the town.
A fine tin roof with real wooden floors below.
There would be one long staircase just going up,
And one even longer coming down,
And one more leading nowhere, just for show.”

Good thing Tevye did not live to see the day when a fellow Jew, Bernard Madoff stiffed so many rich and elite Jews out of tens of billions of dollars. Had he lived that long and immigrated to America, and became rich perhaps Tevye would have been one of them. The names Bernard Madoff stiffed looks like whose who in American Jewish community and include “ Senator Frank Lautenberg, New York Mets owner Fred Wilpon, real estate and media mogul Mortimer Zuckerman, GMAC Financial Services chairman J. Ezra Merkin (who ran a hedge fund, Ascot Partners, which reinvested many charities’ funds with Madoff), the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity, Steven Spielberg’s Wunderkinder Foundation, Jeff Katzenberg, the Boston-based Robert I. Lappin Charitable Foundation (which has closed its doors), Eliot Spitzer’s family, the Chais Family Foundation, the Carl and Ruth Shapiro Foundation, Hadassah (the Women’s Zionist Organization of America), the United Jewish Endowment Fund of the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington , the Los Angeles’ Jewish Community Foundation’s $238 million Common Investment Pool, the American Jewish Congress, the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology” this is a quote from an article that appeared in “Counterpunch” of course not to mention Yeshiva University where Bernard Madoff served on the Board of Trustees.

Since many of these charities and major Jewish personalities are heavy investors in Israel and Israeli causes, I wonder how many of these charities that lost money with Bernard Madoff support and finance Jewish settler terrorism and Jewish terrorism. One thing is for sure we know that most if not all of the money that comes to these criminal Jewish settler terrorists comes from the US. Many if not most of the money that comes to support these Jewish terrorists and criminals comes from US tax exempt charities. Charities that fund them as they go about forging documents and committing fraud to enable them to steal and rob Palestinians of their homes and properties in West Bank cities of Jerusalem and Hebron and take over lands for their settlements, no to mention terrorizing Palestinian farmers and villagers on a daily basis. These charities make it possible for these criminal terrorist settlers not to have a job but make terrorizing Palestinians a full time job paid for by American Jewish charities.

It will not be a surprise if some members of the Congress who feel Jewish charities suffered major losses that prevent them from continuing the support they give to these criminal Jewish settlers will add the Bernard Madoff Investment to the list of financial institutions qualifying for the $700 Billion bail-out.

Only on few occasions did I wish to be a Jew, and who wouldn’t (there is no need to go through difficult circumcisions since by tradition we are circumcised at young age) especially those of us born in Palestine or have Palestinian parents and lost our properties to Jewish settlers and to the State of Israel. If we were Jews we would have the rights to our properties and land and no one, not from New Jersey, or New York or Orange Country can claim the land as deeded to him/her by God.

Of course as I look and see Jews from Moldavia, Russia, the Ukraine, Hungry, New Jersey, New York, North Miami and Orange Country have a right of return, not only return but can chose the piece of land he/she wants and claim it as his/her irrespective of who is the Palestinian owner and as I look at those of us born in Palestine not only are denied the right of return, but denied the right to visit and stay beyond the 3 months tourist visa. My late father, a US citizen who qualified for the “family reunification” program as applied to my late mother had to fly out of the West Bank town of El-Bireh to Cyprus every few months (for more than 10 years) until such time he bribed an Israeli working for the civil administration who gave his a residency card to live in his home town. Denial of residency applies to any Palestinians wishing to return and live in the areas under the civil administration of the Palestinian Authority.

I am sure I do share with Tevye his wish to be a rich man, but not so sure I wish to be that rich and Jewish to qualify to be one of the clients of Bernard Madoff. Boy the man has lots of Chutzpah. Not all Jews could qualify with him, but only certain Jews, the country club type the very supper rich, the philanthropist who gives lots of money to Jewish causes and to Israel. I am sure Tevye is laughing in his grave and perhaps continue to wish he was a rich a man. As for Palestinians conversion to Judaism is always an option, why not? We could easily solve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict peacefully and without much shedding of blood.

George W. Bush’s Legacy; A Foot in the Mouth, a Shoe in the Face!

Thank God/Allah there are only a few weeks left in George W. Bush’s presidency. No president in the history of the US has done so much damage to the country, to the US Constitution and the world like George W. Bush has. For sure George W. Bush will go down in history as the worst president ever in the history of the US and for good reason. Not only has he engaged the country in his war on Iraq with lies and reckless and irresponsible management of the war, but he put his Republican cronies on Wall Street and K Street, fleecing the country and stripping the US treasury clean, allowing the Federal government to trample all of the constitutional rights that made the US such a great and special country.

No need to go into all of the verbal mumbo jumbo that became trademark of George W. Bush and the source of laughter on late night television; it is so easy to go to YouTube and other websites to see, hear and read an entire encyclopedia of stupid remarks and statements that only an illiterate can manage to say, and the guy claims he graduated from both Yale and Harvard universities. I am sure both universities will set up higher standards for their graduates so that someone like George Bush could never disgrace the names of such reputable schools again. However, poor language skills are one thing, major policy disasters that badly and recklessly cause irreparable harm to the country and the world are another thing.

No thanks to Osama Bin Laden. Osama is perhaps the only person who contributed the most to Bush survival as president of the US; otherwise George Bush would have been laughed out of the White House. The September 11th attack that caused so much damage to the nation all but saved George Bush’s presidency.

The entire world without exception stood with the United States as it faced this new scrooge of international terrorism and George Bush with his reckless and stupid policies made sure that Americans would lose this kind of support and lose it very quickly.

The War on Iraq was not America’s war, it was the private and experimental war of the few, the Zionist Neocons of Bush and Cheney. It was not a war against Saddam over his killing of over 2 million Iraqis, Iranians and Kurds. This has nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction or nuclear arms, it has everything to do with the private and ideological agenda of Zionists like Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith and Richard Perle among a number of prominent and leading American Jewish Zionists who concocted the war as a way to serve Israel and reshape the Middle East in their own image. The war was nothing but a disaster and once these Zionist Neocons made sure the country was a deep hole, they simply walked away, leaving George Bush and the nation holding the bag. Over $800 Billion from US taxpayers was wasted on this private ideological war, not to mention the lives of some 4,400 of our brave young men and women and over 700,000 Iraqis in addition to the more than a million wounded, both Americans and Iraqis.

With the War on Iraq, George Bush lost focus on the war on terror and his buddy Osama Bin Laden. Fighting terrorism became the new game in town where corporations and experts engaged in their own terrorism, fleecing the nation’s treasury with programs and ideas that did not add to our sense of safety and security. War on terrorism because this business is a big business. While the nation spent hundreds of billions, Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda are alive and well in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. His war policies are nothing but a total failure.

On the home front George Bush did not do any better. His handling of Katrina was nothing but a disaster. His administration was not prepared to tackle and manage the aftermath of such disaster, but his administration was prepared to allow his cronies and so many corporate crooks to again fleece the national treasury in its wake.

However the worst was yet to come. With a Republican evangelical philosophy of little or minimal government, free market and hands off the economy, the crooks on Wall Street made like bandits, pocketing billions of dollars for themselves and some money for their shareholders while implementing and carrying out the largest fleecing scheme ever in the history of the world. Bernard Madoff’s Ponzi scheme of $50 Billion is nothing compared to what these incompetent crooks made off with while fleecing every one they could get into his/her pockets. Once they impoverish the citizens, once they ran out of schemes, they came back to rob and fleece the national treasury out of $700 Billion, with more yet to come.

George Bush is leaving the presidency with a country in financial ruin, with a country in a recession not seen for decades, with an economy that is hemorrhaging jobs like anything unseen since the twenties. George Bush is leaving the presidency and leaving the American Middle Class in total financial ruin. Not only have his buddies and cronies robbed the poor blind with their sub-prime lending, but the middle class was financially wiped out with losses in the trillions of dollars worth of retirement funds and 401Ks.

One thing is for sure, George W. Bush did succeed where Newt Gingrich failed with his “Contract on America” scheme. The Republicans finally succeeded in taking America and 90% of Americans to the poor house while lining their own pockets with hundreds of billions of government contracts. George Bush conspired with his Republican Party to down size the government only to transfer the work of government to the private sectors at triple the cost. Not so sure if Bush learned this at Harvard Business School.

Mr. Bush leaves the presidency with a country that has lost its moral and ethical compass, leaving behind a nation in ruin with little to show for at home and a big loss overseas. No administration ever engaged in the systematic destruction of our constitutional rights and liberties like that of George Bush. His administration engaged in illegal detentions, torture, invasion of privacy with its wire taps without due process or constitutional restriction, engaged in racial profiling not seen since slavery. I am sure he will not be missed by this nation or the world. He has done so much damage to America and the world he should be put on trial for all of his failings. His legacy is an economy in ruin, a middle class all but wiped out, a nation at war on two fronts and failing, the largest organized heist in the nation’s history, and of course more than a million dead. His administration was nothing but a complete failure on all fronts, domestic and international. If any one remembers a single success please do not hesitate to let me know.

Washington DC, a Jewish and Israeli Occupied Territory.

Few minutes ago, the US Senate in its first order of business decided to vote on “total and unconditional support” for the Israeli Jewish crimes and massacres committed by the Jewish Army against the innocent people of Gaza. It is not the US and its people that are the priority for the new Senate but Israel and the unconditional support for the war crimes committed by the Jewish state.

It is not so surprising to see the US Senate take such an early action expressing its unconditional support for the criminal Jewish State. US Senators can be seen herded like cattle’s, stamped with hot iron by AIPAC and told to go and cast their vote in support of the Jewish state and its war crimes. Of course who in the US Senate dare to say no to the powerful and ruthless American Jewish community and AIPAC which has the means to make mince meat out of any senator or congressman who dare not tow the Jewish line?

Washington many not be Gaza but it is a Jewish and Israeli Occupied Territory. Washington may not be occupied by Jewish soldiers carrying guns and manning tanks and flying F-16 or firing phosphorous bombs or cluster bombs, but Israel has its own army of American Jews who makes Gaza and the war crimes committed like a picnic.

This powerful army of America Jews can order members of congress to kneel down on their knees, and give homage to Israel and the Jewish agenda. This powerful army of American Jews can order members of congress to raid the treasury and fleece us tax payers of tens of billions of dollars. It takes less than few minutes to vote tens of billions of dollars for Israel, yet it takes weeks of haggling for the same congress to vote for funding and aid to our nation auto industry and the millions of American workers at risk. This power army of American Jews can raid all of the weapon stockpiles of the US military and strip our military of its essential equipment and ship it to Israel and this is exactly what the American Jew Henry Kissinger did during the 73 war when he stripped US troops in Germany and Western Europe of critical weapons and ship them to Israel. This powerful army of American Jews can silence any calls for investigating the cold blooded murder of our sailors by the Jewish Army of Israel.

This powerful army of American Jews can order and secure tax exemption status for many Jewish organizations engaged in land theft, forgery and fraud and engaged in financing Jewish settlement and the crimes committed by the Jewish Army and Jewish settler terrorists.

This is the powerful army of American Jews that can dictate and decide what US senators and congressman can vote on and not to vote on. They are the one who dictate the legislative agenda of the US and we know from the swift action of the US Senate, Israel is the priority and not the American people who are facing the worst economic crises in recent memory and who are facing the loss of their jobs and homes. When it comes to the powerful American Jewish community, America is never the priority but the priority is Israel and how much money they can fleece American tax payers to send to Israel.

It seems that “CHANGE” as promised by Barack Obama is nothing but a big fraud, a marketing and sales campaign. One thing for sure when it comes to Israel and its crimes, nothing will ever change and our government and our senators and congressmen are part of and sponsors of war crimes and genocide committed by the Jewish Army of Israel. Just like that of Nazi Germany, no one will ever get away with murder and all those who support and fund war crimes will one day face these crimes and our US Senators are no exception. I write of this because I am convinced that Judaism as we have known for some 3,000 years is dead, no longer exist and the new faith of American Jews as shown by their deadly silence and Israel is Zionism a racist criminal war mongering terrorist faith that has nothing to do with Judaism, that has no respect for human lives and have no respect for basic human values. The only thing we see and have seen from this new faith is the light coming from its fighter jets, the light coming from its deadly and accurate rockets, the light coming from its cluster and phosphorus bombs and the lights coming from its tanks as it shells schools and innocent people.